Monday, June 15, 2009

Childfree for Dummies: Part IV

Apparently not wanting children is "bitter, selfish, un-sisterly, unnatural, evil."

Not all my childfree brethern will agree with me or publicly admit this, but I will tell you right here, upfront, that it's true - I am in fact bitter, selfish, un-sisterly, unnatural and evil.

In other words, not at all the kind of person you'd want raising children.

So don't you think I should be sterilized before some poor innocent child is subject to my bitterness, selfishness, un-sisterliness, unnaturalness and evilness?

(Also: Why do doctors who refuse to sterilize patients on the basis that those patients are too young and don't know what they're doing permit those very same patients to have kids?)


laura k said...

I protest! You are not unnatural or evil!

The whole doctors-won't-sterilize-you thing is maddening. It drives me nuts for you. How fucking dare they.

laura k said...

You don't seem bitter or selfish, but I'll leave that to you. Unsisterly? I don't even know what that means!

impudent strumpet said...

I'm afraid you're mistaken. I am so very terribly unnatural and evil that I really must be sterilized immediately for the good of all humanity.

Anonymous said...

Well put it this way:

I'm infertile. I want to have children but I can't and in the end it makes me a bitter, evil, selfish person too.

But I know you. I don't know why they won't just sterilize you and get it over with! ;)