Monday, June 16, 2008


The exercise lady on TV is being fucking sanctimonious today.

- "Once you start working out, you can never go back!" Oh, I would go back at a drop of a hat lady, it's just that I need to keep my blood pressure low enough to stay on the pill.

- "You'll feel better, your mood will be better..." No, actually it just makes me cranky and angry.

- "You'll spring out of bed instead of just lying there doing nothing, it's about quality of life!" If I had spent another 90 minutes in bed this morning, I would have had cool dreams. Having that every day would be quality of life, doing this just eats up my time!

- "People hate hearing these messages, but you gotta hear them!" I'm here already. All your fucking sanctimonious nagging can do at this point is drive me away to the computer, which is fun and does make me feel good and is part of my quality of life.

1 comment:

laura k said...

"Once you start working out, you can never go back!"

I wish! I've stopped and started 20 times at least. I stop whenever I go on a trip. I've stopped for injuries. I've stopped for depression. I've stopped for deadlines.

And every time I stop, I have a very hard time re-starting.

I agree. STFU.